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    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to eazy's post in the thread training and nutrition log with Like Like.
      12/7/2024___ CHEST crunches 50 hyperextensions 50 decline bench 235x25x4 high incline bench 155x25x4 flat db bench 90x15x4 dip...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to eazy's post in the thread training and nutrition log with Like Like.
      12/6/2024___ BACK crunches 50 hyperextensions 50 barbell row 225x25x4 t-bar row 140x25x4 wide grip lat pulldown 90x25x4 wide grip cable...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to eazy's post in the thread training and nutrition log with Like Like.
      12/5/2024___ LEGS crunches 50 hyperextensions 50 hatfield squat 250x27 rdl 150x25x4 leg press 300x25x4 cable upright row 22.5x25x4...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to eazy's post in the thread training and nutrition log with Like Like.
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to eazy's post in the thread training and nutrition log with Like Like.
      12/4/2024___ARMS close grip flat bench press 135x25x4 drag curl 35x25x4 cable upright row 20x25x4 dips BWx25x4 cable curl 35x25x4 cable...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to eazy's post in the thread training and nutrition log with Like Like.
      oatmeal in rice cooker one cup oats, two cups water follow me for more delicious recipes
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to eazy's post in the thread training and nutrition log with Like Like.
      12/3/2024___ SHOULDERS crunches 50 hyperextensions 50 standing ohp 105x25x4 underhand close grip lat pulldowns 90x25x4 dips BWx25x4...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D replied to the thread 5/3/1 RUN!.
      Fastest 5k so far. Got a long way to go💪😎
      • IMG_2642.png
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D replied to the thread 5/3/1 RUN!.
      12/5/24 Cal 1,380 C 141 F 28 P 144 Daily steps 20,900 Bench barx10 135x10 205x5 235x5 265x5 Incline bench 5x15 125# Bent over dumbbell...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D replied to the thread 5/3/1 RUN!.
      12/4/24 Body weight 228.8 Cal 2,577 C 147 F 100 P 230 Daily steps 11,250 30 mins full body stretches Rest day💪😎
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to BrotherIron's post in the thread 5/3/1 RUN! with Like Like.
      5/3/1 is definitely a solid template to use for strength gains.
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D reacted to Yano's post in the thread 5/3/1 RUN! with Like Like.
      You might like the scheme ive been running for deadz it's basically a stretched out Texas method. 10 @ 45% - 5 @ 50% - 3 @ 60% - 2 @...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D replied to the thread 5/3/1 RUN!.
      12/3/24 Body weight 228.2 Cal 3156 C 312 F 119 P 232 Daily steps 10,705 30 mins full body stretches Deads barx10 135x10 215x5 245x5...
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D replied to the thread 5/3/1 RUN!.
      Had the wrong gear on and got super chaffed. Had to walk probably a 1/3 of the total close to the end to let them thighs cool off lol💪😎
      • IMG_2639.png
    • Berserker_D
      Berserker_D replied to the thread 5/3/1 RUN!.
      12/2/24 Body weight 231 Cals 2452 C 254 F 74 P 166 Daily step 15,061 30 minutes full body stretches 25 minutes core training Press...
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