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      hassa reacted to Kits4Less's post in the thread Test Cypionate Recipe with Like Like.
      Filter membrane compatibility is a big one that almost nobody talks about. There is legions of bro scientists filtering piping hot gear...
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      hassa reacted to Pintowin's post in the thread Test Cypionate Recipe with Like Like.
      Noticed you raised BA 0.5% and kept BB the same with your Test E at 400. Is that a typo? Any reason for that? Raising BA has no effect...
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      hassa reacted to buck's post in the thread Test Cypionate Recipe with Like Like.
      I always used a water bath. Easy and cheap. Put my flask in a pan with water so temp was always below 200F. Would make my test at...
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      hassa reacted to Kits4Less's post in the thread Test Cypionate Recipe with Like Like.
      In my experience, 1.5% BA and 15-18% BB will hold Test Cyp at 200mg/ml just fine, both in GSO and MCT oil. Cyp tends to be more prone to...
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