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    • Ryu
      Ryu reacted to CohibaRobusto's post in the thread 2024 U.S. Presidential Election with Like Like.
      I love how they both keep coming up with ways to help the little guy now and draw in more voters, like eliminating taxes on tips, 1st...
    • Ryu
      Ryu replied to the thread best canadian labs.
      They got nipped. The Canadian scene is full of politics and shills but there are some good labs that have been around for a while and a...
    • Ryu
      Ryu replied to the thread DNP.
      Its been a long time since I have seen DNP in Canada.
    • Ryu
      Ryu replied to the thread alphapharmcanada.
      I have never heard of them. HGH can help with recovery along with a few other peptides. I dont see the need for Anavar at this point or...
    • Ryu
      Ryu replied to the thread Whens the best time to use DNP?.
      Hey man, DNP is not going to do much for you at this point, take my word for it. Given your age and the condition your in, if you get...
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