4B Movement: American women swear off dating, sex, marriage and children

Interest in the 4B Movement has spiked in the United States over the past week, which sees women swearing off all traditional contact with men:

It's called "4B" because "B" is a shorthand for the word "no" in Korean — and a series of "nos" is what the movement calls for.

No sex.

No dating.

No marrying men.

No children.

Young women on Instagram and TikTok are the primary demographic behind the recent American surge in interest. The idea behind the movement is individual resistance against what it defines as a conservative political environment and the corrosion of reproductive rights.

Michaela Thomas, a 21-year-old artist in Georgia, told The Washington Post that she first heard about the 4B movement about a year ago.

"Young men expect sex, but they also want us to not be able to have access to abortion," Thomas told The Post. "They can't have both. Young women don't want to be intimate with men who don't fight for women's rights; it's showing they don't respect us."

The concept of a "sex strike" is not new. The ancient Greek play "Lysistrata" highlights women swearing off sex to protest the Peloponnesian War. In South Korea, the 4B movement took root at a time when the country was undergoing its own reckoning with gender violence and equality issues. (It is a country with one of the widest wage gaps in the world.)

In the United States, there is a growing ideological divide between young men and women: Women aged 18 to 30 are 30 percent more liberal than men of the same age, according to The Financial Times. Some experts point to the 2018 #MeToo movement as the key trigger in the rise in feminist values among women and the subsequent backlash among young men.


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2023
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Thank the gods of iron I live in australia. Women here love sex. Oral sex is taught in secondary school for female students. Only an 11 is a pass so they study hard. And if they can't deep throat their own fist they fail. Yes Australian men have fist sized wangers.

But if you are into anal stick with your American woman. That is just sick.

From an early age girls are encouraged to swallow salty mashed broccoli to discourage the gag response.
16 is the legal age if you are wondering.

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