Current Bloodwork 12-4-24

Sep 9, 2024
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That's exactly what I had to do. Up until about August I had perfect 20/20 vision. Then one day I woke up and I was seeing double (kind of, hard to explain. Best I can describe it is that it's similar to astigmatism).

After seeing doctors for a few months I finally have an answer. It seems I developed posterior subcapsular cataracts. It's not common, and it has rapid onset and rapid progression. My vision today is significantly worse than it was on August, and I noticed further degradation about once every 2 weeks.

There are a few things that can be related to it, but ultimately doctors don't know what caused this type of cataract. It also seems to only effect younger people (e.g. ~50yo and younger). At the moment reading is very difficult for me... Everything is also very clouded. I can't even make out the details on my wife's face from 5ft away anymore.. her face just looks like a blur to me.

Doctor said I'll eventually go blind, and I can definitely tell she was being 100% truthful because I see it happening in real time.

I'm hoping to have eye surgery in January to have the clouded lenses in my eyes removed and replaced with artificial ones. Still waiting to be called back to schedule my surgery date
Damnit man! I hope you can get the surgery scheduled soon and get some of it back, sorry to hear that!
Sep 9, 2024
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Hemoglobin high at 18.2.
I literally just left the blood doctor’s office an hour ago.
My 250cc blood dump (first ever, and bravest thing I’ve done since getting sober 6 years ago) brought mine down to 17 from 19.
Doc says 11 is the ideal level.
I knew mine would be slightly high, I’m running 400mg/wk TestC so is to be expected, it’s crazy how little of time it takes for it to get there as it hasn’t been that long since I donated. But, this is one of the many reasons bloodwork is so important, especially running test above TRT dosages and any other gear especially blasting.

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