Don't forget your colonoscopy starting at 45


Nov 18, 2021
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Studies show people that get their fiber through multiple sources, soluble/insoluble. From veggies fruit and grains have only a small risk of colon cancer. I have eaten that way all my life. And at age 59 i got my first colonoscopy as i knew my risk was small. They found 2 polyps. One small one and one so tiny they had a hard time lassoing it.
I don't leave streaks in my toilet! Just imagine a life time of streaks down the intestines and colon leaving toxic material behind. I see the OP talked about not having the one side not flushed out so he had to go back again. Things would have had to be packed in pretty hard to not get flushed out with what they give you.
Or I ate something like 2 crackers when I should of been fasting thinking all the peg would handle it.


Aug 30, 2016
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In 30 years the conservative estimate of the number of patients I've anesthetized for endoscpies, colonoscopies and EGDs, is 15,000. I have personally witness colonosvopy save hundres of lives and spare people from a bowel resection, and I have personally witness those who have put this off until there was a problem that could be fixed. Colon cancer caught early is relatively easy to cure.
There are 2 types of polyps. Hyperplastic polyps, which are completely benign, and adenomatous polyps from which cancer arises. Not all adenomatous polyps become cancer, but all colon cancers come from adenomatous polyps.
Propofol sedation is standard, you'll be asleep breathing on your own. You won't know about anything or remember it. Proposal is rapidly redistribute, it goes away very fast and very completely. Don't opt for "conscious sedation". Fentanyl/midazolam administered by a nurse is inappropriate and often inadequate for endoscopy.
If you're colonoscopy is negative (normal) is usually 10 years between screening. Family history of colon camcer, polyps, GI cancer, etc will also dictate whether you should have a screening colonoscpy more often.

I turned 60 yesterday, so I'll be having my second colonoscopy sometime in Jan.

Lots of posting on this board about mitigating health risks. This is an easy, short procedure (20-30 minutes). Don't blow it off.
Hope you find the information helpful.


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2021
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They gave me a cologuard take-home test at my physical. Just make sure UPS is open before you "deposit" the sample (lesson learned).
Nov 12, 2024
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I’m 54 & had my first colonoscopy done last year. Thankfully all good & had no polyps & doctor told me come back in 10yrs, I was surprised told me to wait that long


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2019
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Had polyps form in nose after surgery earlier this yr. Had them removed this month but I asked for a colonoscopy since we'll polyps.
I had 24 colon polyps removed and have another colonoscopy next month since right side was not flushed out.
Wondering if peptides or GH played a factor But I find no data to support this.
Is there Anyone that uses peptides or GH and had a greater than avg colon polyp count?
More GH and Peptides than I could ever account for and was clear on the last one, due now actually, we'll see!


The Tick
Jun 10, 2018
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Im 41. Getting one on the 13th because I demanded it. I could count on three hands the number of people Ive known or heard about in their 30s getting or dying of colon cancer in the last year.


Sep 2, 2024
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I think i would rather die a slow painful death than having Dr Longfinger probe around
That's a common reaction to colonoscopies from people who've never had one, but they can literally be a lifesaver. Among veterans, the saying "The prep is the worst part" is common. That is true only because once you "get going" it's risky to leave the commode for more than a few minutes. You do the prep at home and then fast b4 the colonoscopy.

They sedate you via IV, you go home same day, but my (GI) Doctor requires a designated driver b4 he'll do it. It's common to find a varying amount of polyps, which the Doctor will remove and send off to Pathology to determine benign vs. cancerous. Your Doctor might also say they are "suspicious," but it's the Pathologist who makes the final call.

The only time you should get really worried is if your Doctor says your polyps are cute.

Hope this helps
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SI Founding Member
Jun 28, 2012
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I'm 55 and I've had polyps removed on each of my three colonoscopies. Pretty regular for them to find them. I think insurance has lowered the age to where they cover it in your 40s now. The worse thing about the procedure is drinking all the prep. stuff but they've even made that easier.


Oct 18, 2022
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Ah, I wasn't aware. I haven't had my first colonoscopy yet, although I'm probably due.

I'm also the same way about fiber. I stay on top of it the same way i do for protein. I get a lot through vegetables, and also supplement a small amount using inulin.

Thanks for the reply and confirming you were hinting at what I thought you were.
Incase you are interested. Although no one seems to be. Had a resection last year. The year previous I had my first colonoscopy. Diviculitus with polops. When I had the resection most of the polops had shrunk and diviculitus was improved.

Specialist said not all fibre is the same. Fruit and veg fibre can irritate colon and bowel if you have an undiagnosed intollerances. Specialist said psyllium husk powder is best.
Just repeating what i was told. Also reduces bad cholesterol.

Also they put you under here for anal probing so you wake up believing you are still a virgin. Get it done before something small becomes major. Your colon is like your penis. You will miss every inch they remove.


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
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Incase you are interested. Although no one seems to be. Had a resection last year. The year previous I had my first colonoscopy. Diviculitus with polops. When I had the resection most of the polops had shrunk and diviculitus was improved.

Specialist said not all fibre is the same. Fruit and veg fibre can irritate colon and bowel if you have an undiagnosed intollerances. Specialist said psyllium husk powder is best.
Just repeating what i was told. Also reduces bad cholesterol.

Also they put you under here for anal probing so you wake up believing you are still a virgin. Get it done before something small becomes major. Your colon is like your penis. You will miss every inch they remove.
Interesting.comment from the doctor on fiber type, which honestly I don't buy. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, and you need both.

Psyllium husk is soluble fiber... as are many fruits and vegetables.

Perhaps he meant that some people have a hard time digesting certain types of foods; which can be true for many people... but the idea that fiber from fruits is inherently different from fiber from psyllium husk is silly.

On tangent, psyllium husk completely wrecks my digestive tract. It's far too harsh for me. I prefer inulin; it's a supplement like psyllium husk but much gentler.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Incase you are interested. Although no one seems to be. Had a resection last year. The year previous I had my first colonoscopy. Diviculitus with polops. When I had the resection most of the polops had shrunk and diviculitus was improved.

Specialist said not all fibre is the same. Fruit and veg fibre can irritate colon and bowel if you have an undiagnosed intollerances. Specialist said psyllium husk powder is best.
Just repeating what i was told. Also reduces bad cholesterol.

Also they put you under here for anal probing so you wake up believing you are still a virgin. Get it done before something small becomes major. Your colon is like your penis. You will miss every inch they remove.
I would guess that the number of intolerant people to a certain fiber would be a small % at most.
I have seen many online talk about adding in fiber and having some issues but they usually go from little to more then they need. Need to ramp up fiber like anything else.

And if a person eats a healthy diet of fruits, veggies grains etc then they can get enough would supplementing. I through a couple grams in my protein shakes as that is the only fiber in them. I make sure there is fiber in all my meals as good digestion aids in health and getting bigger and stronger.

I stay awake for my colonoscopies. I can get in and out without needing a chaperon. No big deal. A prostate exam is more uncomfortable.

I believe it was on the Mayo Clincs web site where i read something like 80% of people develop diverticulitis by the time they are 60 so it is just a normal part of aging it seems. when the Dr called the nurse over to look at my diverticulitis on the monito her reply was "Oh M y God". I always liked when i have something bigger then the other kids!

It seems the soluble fiber holds water like a sponge to give fullness and help things along. My theory is the insoluble is rougher and that it what scrapes the crap off the intestinal walls to keep then more clean so contamination does not build up and damage cells.


Jan 29, 2014
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In 30 years the conservative estimate of the number of patients I've anesthetized for endoscpies, colonoscopies and EGDs, is 15,000. I have personally witness colonosvopy save hundres of lives and spare people from a bowel resection, and I have personally witness those who have put this off until there was a problem that could be fixed. Colon cancer caught early is relatively easy to cure.
There are 2 types of polyps. Hyperplastic polyps, which are completely benign, and adenomatous polyps from which cancer arises. Not all adenomatous polyps become cancer, but all colon cancers come from adenomatous polyps.
Propofol sedation is standard, you'll be asleep breathing on your own. You won't know about anything or remember it. Proposal is rapidly redistribute, it goes away very fast and very completely. Don't opt for "conscious sedation". Fentanyl/midazolam administered by a nurse is inappropriate and often inadequate for endoscopy.
If you're colonoscopy is negative (normal) is usually 10 years between screening. Family history of colon camcer, polyps, GI cancer, etc will also dictate whether you should have a screening colonoscpy more often.

I turned 60 yesterday, so I'll be having my second colonoscopy sometime in Jan.

Lots of posting on this board about mitigating health risks. This is an easy, short procedure (20-30 minutes). Don't blow it off.
Hope you find the information helpful.
I couldn't say it any better myself.

Ok I'm late to the show on this one but wanted to chime in because like Bricks put it, this type of cancer is one no one has to die of.

About 7 years ago I lost a great woman who I grew up with since we were learning to walk. Her and I were like brother and sister. She got her colonoscopy at age 51. Back then the old rules for insurance was to start at age 50.

Long story short, she had colon cancer that metastasize. I can't say if she received a colonoscopy at the new rules starting at 45 would have saved her life but with how slow this type of cancer develops, she would of had a fighting chance.

She told me that her last wish was to see her daughter graduation college. That did happen but the last time I saw her was when I stopped by for Christmas. She was emaciated and could hardly get out of a chair to give me a hug.

If you don't want to do this simple procedure for yourself, do it for the ones who love you.


Jan 29, 2014
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I want to add another important note. Don't half-ass your life. The second I saw that Cologuard commercial, I thought, This is going to be responsible for a lot of deaths. Get the job done right.


Oct 18, 2022
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Interesting.comment from the doctor on fiber type, which honestly I don't buy. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, and you need both.

Psyllium husk is soluble fiber... as are many fruits and vegetables.

Perhaps he meant that some people have a hard time digesting certain types of foods; which can be true for many people... but the idea that fiber from fruits is inherently different from fiber from psyllium husk is silly.

On tangent, psyllium husk completely wrecks my digestive tract. It's far too harsh for me. I prefer inulin; it's a supplement like psyllium husk but much gentler.

Jokes aside that is what was recomended for me with food alegies and diviculitus. If you have your go to than that is even better.
Guess they recomended that fibre for me because by intake of fruit and veg fibre was too high and this would balance it out. No idea but it works a treat.
Thanks for not tearing me a new one like that other guy. Think I must have had relations with his mother in the 80s and he despises me now. :ROFLMAO:
Prosperous new year.


Nov 18, 2021
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Second colonoscopy today found 9 more polyps, total 33 in a month.
Sending me off for genetic testing That's really odd is that will be my third genetic test in 3 months. One for medication, one for kidneys, 1 for whatever the fuck they're testing this time. Might as well just sequence my DNA.


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Senior Member
Dec 13, 2019
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Might as well just sequence my DNA
Right? It's not like that's going to change! That sucks. Tried scheduling mine the other day and I could get it done next week if I blow off work for it, I'm probably going to, I get sick time, I'm just being lazy, when I take days off (truck driver) my shit will wait for me, and it'll bite me in the ass later, but I definitely have the curiosity going now. I gotta get on it.