First Dianabol Cycle Tips


Dec 1, 2013
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1/2 mg a day of arimidex is incredibly dumb…., it’s toxic ment for breast cancer.
Most of us use a milligram a week..,., And that’s for a good size cycle.

Your first cycle should be test only…., cypionate or Enanthate..,,, 400 mg should make you very happy after 12 weeks.

But you wanting to only run a dbol cycle makes me agree with other’s thoughts.

Injections are way less stressful on your liver
Jan 4, 2025
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The hepatotoxicity of (most) oral steroids is vastly overblown.

Anadrol is prescribed at doses that bodybuilders would never even dream of for up to six months at a time, for example.
100% you are correct. Totally.

I'm not getting into it now but I have my theory why orals are held out to be so liver toxic and it has nothing to do with whether they are or not it to what degree.

Tylenol is far more liver toxic. But, I have seen case of liver damage and most every injectable is not hepotoxic at all.

Using only orals? It's just stupid to even take that chance.

I've used every oral there is since 1989. I'm taking ANADROL right now and I'm 51. My liver is fine.

I've never used any type of high doses though or taken orals continually. Although, I think it's ridiculous that guys are so scared they only use orals 4 weeks.

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Jan 4, 2025
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100% you are correct. Totally.

I'm not getting into it now but I have my theory why orals are held out to be so liver toxic and it has nothing to do with whether they are or not it to what degree.

Tylenol is far more liver toxic. But, I have seen case of liver damage and most every injectable is not hepotoxic at all.

Using only orals? It's just stupid to even take that chance.

I've used every oral there is since 1989. I'm taking ANADROL right now and I'm 51. My liver is fine.

I've never used any type of high doses though or taken orals continually. Although, I think it's ridiculous that guys are so scared they only use orals 4 weeks.

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I've never seen ANADROL prescribed at higher doses than bodybuilders would use though.

Is that true??

I've never used more than 100 MGS a day and that high for me. Usually I'll use 50-75.

I've known guy that take 8 50 mg ANADROL a day. Seriously, for months.

150 MGS a day is the most I would even contemplate taking myself. Although I've never gone above 100.

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Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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I've never seen ANADROL prescribed at higher doses than bodybuilders would use though.

Is that true??

I've never used more than 100 MGS a day and that high for me. Usually I'll use 50-75.

I've known guy that take 8 50 mg ANADROL a day. Seriously, for months.

150 MGS a day is the most I would even contemplate taking myself. Although I've never gone above 100.

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Yup, I looked it up awhile ago to check for myself.

The common medical dose is 1-2 mg/kg per day. But up to 5 mg/kg is prescribed if needed, for months and months.
Jan 4, 2025
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Yup, I looked it up awhile ago to check for myself.

The common medical dose is 1-2 mg/kg per day. But up to 5 mg/kg is prescribed if needed, for months and months.
Ok. Thanks good info.

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Super Duper Elite
Oct 18, 2021
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I've never seen ANADROL prescribed at higher doses than bodybuilders would use though.

Is that true??

I've never used more than 100 MGS a day and that high for me. Usually I'll use 50-75.

I've known guy that take 8 50 mg ANADROL a day. Seriously, for months.

150 MGS a day is the most I would even contemplate taking myself. Although I've never gone above 100.

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Yup, I looked it up awhile ago to check for myself.

The common medical dose is 1-2 mg/kg per day. But up to 5 mg/kg is prescribed if needed, for months and months.
Now, to be fair, anadrol is prescribed to treat severe anemia. Liver toxicity is a secondary concern in those cases, because treating the anemia takes priority as it will kill you a lot quicker than liver disease will.

But yeah, most orals aren’t that bad. Superdrol and some others are exceptions.
Jan 4, 2025
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Yup, I looked it up awhile ago to check for myself.

The common medical dose is 1-2 mg/kg per day. But up to 5 mg/kg is prescribed if needed, for months and months.
Just curious. I've been able to avoid any health issues for a very long time and would like to continue to obviously.

I've always been really suspicious about how liver toxic, if really at all at a normal dose of orals really are.

I've done a whole lot of research, in real medical journals not bodybuilding sites, trying to figure out how much or if they truly are. What I found or rather didn't find was a whole lot of cases of liver damage or chirrosis linked to just oral anabolics. I did find a few. One the kid was only using 300 MGS test , 25 MCGS T3 and 50 mgs WInstrol a day and his liver almost fail. He recovered after a few days in the hospital but this is one case I've found in 15 or so years of looking. Other than that the oral steroid was always accompanied by something else that could have been the cause.

What my question to you is, I was surprised and happy by the info you just gave about ANADROL 5 MGS a kg is a super high dose.
I always reacted to ANADROL great. Off season, pre contest any time if I need something to put on muscle or limit muscle break down while dieting it's always been my go to.

I used Superdrol a few years ago at 20 mgs a day and was blown away. It was the first time I ever thought I found something better than ANADROL. I have 200 10 mg Superdrol. I'm on my 3rd week of a run I plan to go on for a while. In currently using 1000 MGS test Cyp, 500 MGS week EQ and 50 MGS ANADROL. I'll run this for about ten weeks.

The next oral I was planning to use is the Superdrol, again at 20 MGS a day. I've read as much as I can about it but it's always the same garbage. No matter what you read it seems they want you to believe your liver will fail if you look at the stuff. I know thats stupid but, if you know, what's your opinion on this drug and the dose that would be fairly safe to use. Im just looking for a good opinion.

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Jan 4, 2025
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Now, to be fair, anadrol is prescribed to treat severe anemia. Liver toxicity is a secondary concern in those cases, because treating the anemia takes priority as it will kill you a lot quicker than liver disease will.

But yeah, most orals aren’t that bad. Superdrol and some others are exceptions.
Lol. You started to answer the question I just asked. If you look at my prior post.

Why do you say this about Superdrol and how much worse are you talking?

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Super Duper Elite
Oct 18, 2021
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Lol. You started to answer the question I just asked. If you look at my prior post.

Why do you say this about Superdrol and how much worse are you talking?

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As with other orals, Superdrol isn’t as bad as people say. I’ve used a lot of it and my liver is fine. You just have to be smart about it. It is definitely worse for you than other orals, relatively speaking. It raises liver stress markers pretty significantly and absolutely crushes most people’s lipids.

That’s not to say that your liver is going to fall out if you take it like a lot of people parrot on the forums. You just have to recognize the nature of the compound and take it responsibly.


Aug 28, 2021
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It's only a liver ,,, the damn things grow back if ya don't totally kill it, live a little fah Christs sakes !

Yes, the liver can regenerate itself and grow back to its normal size after damage. The liver is the only internal organ with this ability.

How does the liver regenerate?
  • Hypertrophy: When part of the liver is removed, the remaining tissue grows larger.

  • Cell regeneration: The liver develops new cells to replace those that were damaged.

So as long as you give it a break and let it heal ,, you can beat the living shit out of it. :cool: (y) :devilish:


Aug 28, 2021
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As with other orals, Superdrol isn’t as bad as people say. I’ve used a lot of it and my liver is fine. You just have to be smart about it. It is definitely worse for you than other orals, relatively speaking. It raises liver stress markers pretty significantly and absolutely crushes most people’s lipids.

That’s not to say that your liver is going to fall out if you take it like a lot of people parrot on the forums. You just have to recognize the nature of the compound and take it responsibly.
Week 1 - I feel good I think im getting stronger
Week 2 - Fuck I feel great , I'm a beast holy shit
Week 3 - Hmm maybe I got the flu - holy shit PR !!
Week 4 - I feel like i've been poisoned - deload



Super Duper Elite
Oct 18, 2021
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Week 1 - I feel good I think im getting stronger
Week 2 - Fuck I feel great , I'm a beast holy shit
Week 3 - Hmm maybe I got the flu - holy shit PR !!
Week 4 - I feel like i've been poisoned - deload

I’ve had some luck running it at 10mg for 8 weeks rather than 20mg for 4 weeks, but yeah, it’s not exactly a feel-good AAS.


Aug 28, 2021
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I’ve had some luck running it at 10mg for 8 weeks rather than 20mg for 4 weeks, but yeah, it’s not exactly a feel-good AAS.
Even in oil i can time the indigestion/heartburn from it , I love it, but it hates me.


Dec 1, 2013
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Since we are talking about liver damage and variation in my 30’s I took 60 mg of superdrol for 2 weeks at that dose because I wanted to experiment.
Not smart I know but I can tell you I tried to run after a punk that pissed me off And I got about 20’ before my legs were so pumped I couldn’t run anymore!
Kinda like riding on egg shaped tires…..

Carbs were an absolute must on the high end or the would fall asleep.
I blew up fukin quick it was fun than I dropped back down to 30 mg a day for the remaining 2 weeks.

My liver is/was. Fine…,.,
I always run glutheone when running oral’s.

“The good ole days!”
Jan 4, 2025
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As with other orals, Superdrol isn’t as bad as people say. I’ve used a lot of it and my liver is fine. You just have to be smart about it. It is definitely worse for you than other orals, relatively speaking. It raises liver stress markers pretty significantly and absolutely crushes most people’s lipids.

That’s not to say that your liver is going to fall out if you take it like a lot of people parrot on the forums. You just have to recognize the nature of the compound and take it responsibly.
That's exactly what I figured. I used it at 20 mgs a day for 7 weeks a few years ago and it was great. I handed it well at that dose. Didn't feel horrible that I can remember.
Anyway, Thanks.

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Jan 4, 2025
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It's only a liver ,,, the damn things grow back if ya don't totally kill it, live a little fah Christs sakes !

Yes, the liver can regenerate itself and grow back to its normal size after damage. The liver is the only internal organ with this ability.

How does the liver regenerate?
  • Hypertrophy: When part of the liver is removed, the remaining tissue grows larger.

  • Cell regeneration: The liver develops new cells to replace those that were damaged.

So as long as you give it a break and let it heal ,, you can beat the living shit out of it. :cool: (y) :devilish:
This is totally correct. It's why elevated liver enzymes are not any real indication of serious liver damage. If your liver enzymes are elevated because of the use of a certain compound, for even 16 weeks, it's not going to cause any permanent liver damage because of exactly what was posted. Unless you drink yourself ( or something else) to chirrosis of the liver your liver will always regenerate when you discontinue the cause of the elevated enzymes.

That's why I do not understand these 4 week oral runs I continually see. Who came up with this, how did it stick as a normal practice and how does it continue without many questioning it.

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Aug 28, 2021
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This is totally correct. It's why elevated liver enzymes are not any real indication of serious liver damage. If your liver enzymes are elevated because of the use of a certain compound, for even 16 weeks, it's not going to cause any permanent liver damage because of exactly what was posted. Unless you drink yourself ( or something else) to chirrosis of the liver your liver will always regenerate when you discontinue the cause of the elevated enzymes.

That's why I do not understand these 4 week oral runs I continually see. Who came up with this, how did it stick as a normal practice and how does it continue without many questioning it.

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Some one most likely got side pains from a shitty diet with way too much garbage and sugar old school bulking and then , blamed it on his oral.

He told two friends and they told two friends and now 2 or 3 decades later it's enshrined in the "Bro-Science Book of Medical Nonsense and Bullshit".

But everyone will swear it happened to that one nameless guy once , 35 years ago that no one has ever met and that never took a test or showed bloods.

So it just has to be true.



Aug 28, 2021
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Here is my take on orals , when I need em I use them.

They are a force multiplier simple as that , people will say you don't keep the gains you get from dbol or drol but you most certainly do.

You don't get to keep the bloat or extra nitrogen and glucose retention , you will lose some strength that is brought on by all that fluid retention that is true , but while on the oral , you can move more weight , simple as that.

More on the bar , more progressive resistance , more damage done, more healing , more growth.

I think people easily confuse the deflation with zero gains and that's simply wrong due to their over estimation of how much lean mass they truly put on.
Sep 2, 2022
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I'm starting a first DBol cycle next week after years of nat supplements that haven't gotten results. In scouring info here, plan is:

** 20 mg/day for 4-6 weeks
** .5 mg/day armidex


** should i ease in with 4 weeks or would 6 be fine?
** anything else in stack?
** what should first PCT look like - test? 4-6 weeks? Preciate the guidance!
Don't do this dbol is not to used as the base of a cycle.

Rethink things, and look into ttestosterone. I suggest 400-500mg a week. 10-12 weeks followed by a smart pct

If you decide to use dbol understand that the gains you make are very temporary. I mean when you go off, you will lose the gains you made in no time. Even on a cycle using other aas. It's mostly water anyway.

If you don't want to use injectable aas, test, don't run a cycle.
Last edited:
Jan 4, 2025
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Don't do this dbol is not to used as the base of a cycle.

Rethink things, and look into ttestosterone. I suggest 400-500mg a week. 10-12 weeks followed by a smart pct

If you decide to use dbol understand that the gains you make are very temporary. I mean when you go off, you will lose the gains you made in no time. Even on a cycle using other aas. It's mostly water anyway.

If you don't want to use injectable aas, test, don't run a cycle.
Someone can use DBOL as a base in a first cycle or second or thirtieth.

Why does everyone parrot back the same thing? "A first cycle is 500 MGS of test a week". Yes, that's a good first cycle but it's far from the only way someone can go.

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