So I put in for blood work next week to check estrogen levels before this gets out of hand but wanna get some opinions on here if possible. So my last cycle I developed a m&m size lump directly behind one nipple, no tenderness no issues.barely noticed and by the time I did I was ending cycle. I was on beligas.5 mg arimidex twice a week at the time. While off cycle it had disappeared, I remember checking probably a month ago and it was gone. So two weeks into cycle and it’s back twice the size and was a little tender, not the nipple but the mass. I was on aromasin 12.5 eod but didn’t really trust source on this completely especially considering it’s back bigger and quicker then before, I have a back up of dragon pharma arimidex I’ve never used and I’m gonna try .5 three times a week in the meantime but just wondering do these doses seem correct? And the fact it came so quickly. No sides other than that. Cycle is 750test 400 deca