Definitely overkill for first cycle but that being said, you didn’t use any crazy compounds, or insane protocols. Just a bit unnecessary. You probably could have got results you were satisfied with by using less especially for a first cycle.
That being said just check blood work, and do screenings for your heart if you want to be prudent. you’re probably all fine. Make sure your blood pressure is acceptable and blood count isn’t crazy. With This cycle you probably haven’t done anything real nasty to your health but you need to monitor it consistently over time. Some test and eq shouldn’t really have any notable “feels” sides and should be very manageable so that’s probably why you didn’t get weird side effects lol.
Pct, trt or cruise? This is up to you and goal dependent. If you don’t want to gain mass you can certainly just trt and work on condition, just consider fertility, cholesterol etc and how you will address these things. If you don’t want to use gear then get off.
Only read paragraph under my veteran's advice??? Some crazy ship going on. I'm 12 years in and haven't done anything like that....f'me.