Hey Everyone,
New to this forum, just wanted to say hi.
I'm 52yo, 190 and usually sit around 10-12% bodyfat, get down to high 8% when I push it, been a few years though. As many here will say, I'm in far better shape than most guys my age, but not a gym rat, do some cardio and weights at home since Covid hit, haven't been back to a gym since, more of a convenience/time thing now. Have been eating Paleo since before it was a thing, going on 20 years now, but not totally strict. I do more of a low carb/high carb days, Monday Tuesday <20grams carbs, Wednesday big carb load, Thurs Fri Sat <20g carbs, then big carb load on Sunday. Helps me keep my weight up and stay lean.
Have been working out on and off for about 40 years. Used to be a real hard gainer when young then did my first cycle at 20 of Test and Winstrol stack and put on 20 solid pounds. Did another a year later then nothing till my late 20s when I was living in Costa Rica and you could buy Sustanon (I think that's what it was called, Sustanol maybe?) at the Farmacia. It's pretty mild so did that on and off for about 3+ years. Seemed like it was causing my hair to really thin out so stopped that.
Got into GH about 5 years ago, usually do 2.5iu a day, seems like a nice maintenance dose, but certainly never gave me the gains I was hoping for from it but probably had unrealistic expectations. Had a nice chinese source and it was cheap so kept at it anyways. Always had it sent from china to my house through fedex and never had any issues, but reading here everyone says that's a big no no. That source disappeared, email bouncing and both websites they had gone so not sure what happened there.
So main reason I first came here was to find a new source for GH as this forum popped up near the top on a search. Reading the rules here I realize that's also a bit of a no no so sticking around for the comraderie and to get myself to a level I haven't been at it years. Goal is to stay at 190 and hit 8% bodyfat by my 53rd birthday in 5 months.
New to this forum, just wanted to say hi.
I'm 52yo, 190 and usually sit around 10-12% bodyfat, get down to high 8% when I push it, been a few years though. As many here will say, I'm in far better shape than most guys my age, but not a gym rat, do some cardio and weights at home since Covid hit, haven't been back to a gym since, more of a convenience/time thing now. Have been eating Paleo since before it was a thing, going on 20 years now, but not totally strict. I do more of a low carb/high carb days, Monday Tuesday <20grams carbs, Wednesday big carb load, Thurs Fri Sat <20g carbs, then big carb load on Sunday. Helps me keep my weight up and stay lean.
Have been working out on and off for about 40 years. Used to be a real hard gainer when young then did my first cycle at 20 of Test and Winstrol stack and put on 20 solid pounds. Did another a year later then nothing till my late 20s when I was living in Costa Rica and you could buy Sustanon (I think that's what it was called, Sustanol maybe?) at the Farmacia. It's pretty mild so did that on and off for about 3+ years. Seemed like it was causing my hair to really thin out so stopped that.
Got into GH about 5 years ago, usually do 2.5iu a day, seems like a nice maintenance dose, but certainly never gave me the gains I was hoping for from it but probably had unrealistic expectations. Had a nice chinese source and it was cheap so kept at it anyways. Always had it sent from china to my house through fedex and never had any issues, but reading here everyone says that's a big no no. That source disappeared, email bouncing and both websites they had gone so not sure what happened there.
So main reason I first came here was to find a new source for GH as this forum popped up near the top on a search. Reading the rules here I realize that's also a bit of a no no so sticking around for the comraderie and to get myself to a level I haven't been at it years. Goal is to stay at 190 and hit 8% bodyfat by my 53rd birthday in 5 months.