Good evening. I am 35 and had my consultation 18 months ago at Rocky Mountain Mens Clinic (Colorado). I went in because my libido was low expecting to maybe get pills or just have a baseline. My blood test results came back low T. Don't remember the number, but have the paper somewhere. When they pitched me Trt I was hesitant because first off I didn't know that was an option and two I didn't feel informed. So I took their info and moved on. I continued to research and read, mostly horror stories on reddit before moving here today. I think I'm ready to make a change. I feel like I've lost even more drive. I've gained 20 lbs this past year and I want to get my life back together. I've been hesitant, because physically my life hasn't been great, but mentally and emotionally I'm solid. I don't really want to screw with that. My wife is supportive. She's seen my fuse getting shorter and my drive fall off. I want to feel like I can get through a tough work out, I want to improve my libido, my moods, my confidence, etc. I owe it to my family to be the best version of me. Heck sometimes I feel I've always been low t as I can't grow facial hair. I'm wanting advice where to restart my journey. I want to find more affordable options than RMMC. I live 3 hours away from where I had my consult so online would be most convenient. It would be nice if there was some place to get the first couple injections to know how to, but with help I could probably figure it out. Can you guys please lead me down a path to start my journey over. Blood work then some sort of regime and help dialing in /maintenance after that. I'll look up my number from the blood work in the morning. Thanks!