

Nov 18, 2021
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Anyone take a lot of medication and nothing happened and they're like this sucks or take a medication and feel something and then bam you're sober?
Well if you have this is for you.

Because I've been telling you all I was working on an amateur paper to post about this topic and I haven't held myself accountable I'm going to piecemeal it together instead of doing it all at once so I do apologize for being broken up.

I first discovered this topic when I asked my VA psych doctor if there was some test I could take to find out which drugs work for me because it seems like every drug they've given me doesn't work. I did have some requirements though on what drugs I would take because many, many, years ago I was given depakote for bipolar disorder and I gained like 60 lb and I refused to ever take a drug that caused weight gain again.
The doctor ordered a phaser test now that is a VA specific test but in the civilian world you can call it Pharmacogenetic test.

A Pharmacogenetic test will do a genetic analysis not on all genes just some to see how your body metabolizes certain drugs. Usually there are four categories poor, intermediate, normal, and rapid, metabolizer.
There are quite a few different ways your body metabolizes drugs which I will cover later because it can get overwhelming. I will give two basic examples of consequences though. A new mother was a rapid metabolizer of codeine so it it was broken down very rapidly she breastfed her child and child died. Poor metabolizers have the drug hanging out in their system sometimes doing stuff sometimes not but it exponentially increases the risk of side effects. If you metabolize a drug too fast or slow The intended therapeutic dose may not be reached.

Part 2 through 8 will come sometime

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