sup dudes!!!
Just popped my cherry this is what I’m running
100mg CYP every 3.5 days Eugia Brand
No AI (have on hand for emergency)
I’m fat so I’m using the below supplies
3ML Leur Lock 25g 1.5 inch IM Delts
18g 1 inch needle to draw
Today I used a 20g 1inch cause I mistakenly bought the 3ML pin without needles.
288 Total T
57 Free T
Blood test in 6 weeks
Just popped my cherry this is what I’m running
100mg CYP every 3.5 days Eugia Brand
No AI (have on hand for emergency)
I’m fat so I’m using the below supplies
3ML Leur Lock 25g 1.5 inch IM Delts
18g 1 inch needle to draw
Today I used a 20g 1inch cause I mistakenly bought the 3ML pin without needles.
288 Total T
57 Free T
Blood test in 6 weeks