but is the vial top not made of some sort of metal product? a type of thick foil or something, I know when I open a new one and cleanse the top with an alcohol wipe it snags it some times. Microwave+metal= no buenoThe microwave controls heat, a bath you have to sit in it for a longer time.
Source's used to brew in boiling water, fucking stupid but they did.
Would we be telling you to use the microwave if it was no bueno?but is the vial top not made of some sort of metal product? a type of thick foil or something, I know when I open a new one and cleanse the top with an alcohol wipe it snags it some times. Microwave+metal= no bueno
I don't think Yano, CJ or yourself would steer me wrong, I think you may have took my reply wrong. I was concerned about the cap material, my mind reverted back to when I was a kid and was told not to stick metal stuff in the microwave.... I found out the hard way! I understand about the microwave controlling the heat, and also the moisture creation from running under hot water or even placing it in a container full of hot water. To be honest though, the thought of the moisture being created in the vial never really crossed my mind.Would we be telling you to use the microwave if it was no bueno?
I have been doing if for 15 years, I go through a lot more than you, I use it just about daily.
I don't think Yano, CJ or yourself would steer me wrong, I think you may have took my reply wrong. I was concerned about the cap material, my mind reverted back to when I was a kid and was told not to stick metal stuff in the microwave.... I found out the hard way! I understand about the microwave controlling the heat, and also the moisture creation from running under hot water or even placing it in a container full of hot water. To be honest though, the thought of the moisture being created in the vial never really crossed my mind.
So, for future reference, about how many seconds would you run, lets say crystallized test, in the wave? I am gonna give it a go if I end of getting some that does that again.Today's microwaves can handle smooth metal, the top is smooth, no jagged edges.
but is the vial top not made of some sort of metal product? a type of thick foil or something, I know when I open a new one and cleanse the top with an alcohol wipe it snags it some times. Microwave+metal= no bueno
I do understand the point of the moisture in the vial, I personally get the water extremely hot before I ever stick the vial under it and it usually doesn't take long for it to dissolve, but I have also not had many vials crystallize or gel up, only a few. I also keep filtered needles on hand in case I am getting down to the last bit in a vial and it may have some crystals in it. My pharmacist hooks it up on occasion with filtered needles, and some other things probably most wouldn't do
So, for future reference, about how many seconds would you run, lets say crystallized test, in the wave? I am gonna give it a go if I end of getting some that does that again.